solar panels monterey

Solar Equipment Prices Have Hit Bottom!!!

Solar PV cells in cost per watt have have decreased 99.5% since 1977

11 years ago

Local Solar Enconomic Impact Report – January to June 2014

Allterra Solar spent $0.975 Million locally so far in 2014

11 years ago

Local Food Local Power

New Leaf Community Markets and Allterra Solar's “Groceries and a Gift,” campaign is only six months old but ...

11 years ago

Second Harvest Food Bank Partnership

Allterra Solar’s commitment to contributing to a vibrant, healthy, and sustainable community...

12 years ago

Can Solar Loans Slow the Surge of Leases

Around 80 percent of consumers choose to own their car rather than lease, solar is better to own...

12 years ago

Soft Costs of Solar Panel Installation

The cost to install solar has dropped by about 50% over the last 5 years. This cost reduction, along with…

12 years ago

Solar Helps with America’s Energy Independence

How can Santa Cruz residents help the nation’s energy crisis? America’s increasing demand and consumption...

12 years ago

Solar Panels Increase Home Values

Installing solar panels can be an asset and add tremendous value to your Santa Cruz residence because they offer savings…

12 years ago

Santa Cruz Solar Power Installations

Allterra Solar’s mission is to adapt and use the sun's power to create value and energy for our clients, help…

12 years ago

California Solar energy tax credit, rebates, grants

California renewable and solar energy incentives Santa Cruz residents should be happy and grateful to be part of California. California…

12 years ago