Going solar fundamentally changes a homeowner’s relationship with PG&E or local utility provider. When a homeowner goes solar, PG&E expects…
Solar PV cells in cost per watt have have decreased 99.5% since 1977
20 nuclear power plants worth the energy produced with solar PV in Germany, a region with worse weather and sun…
New IPCC report outlines volatile future for agriculture, infrastructure, and coastal communities...
New Leaf Community Markets and Allterra Solar's “Groceries and a Gift,” campaign is only six months old but ...
The explosion of solar is scaring big utilities like PG&E, and they are organizing to try to undermine distributed solar…
Wow, 75% of U.S. solar installs were completed in the last 2.5 years! Solar is growing at an exponential rate...
The idea that solar PV can work with plants flourishing beneath it has great potential...
Another happy Santa Cruz solar client that PG&E owes...
Allterra Solar spent $612,497 locally in the first half of 2013...