Design and Installation for Businesses

Allterra Solar’s in-house team designs, engineers, and constructs solar electric systems; we take care of everything for our clients.  We routinely work with architects, general contractors, and engineers to integrate solar into commercial construction projects.  Our job is to make going solar as easy as possible.

Solar Design and Engineering

Designing the system and understanding how the equipment will be installed and perform is critical and arguably the most important aspect of a solar project.  We respect the design process and cut no corners; our engineering team will visit the site before any design is final.  We want every solar system we design to perform as predicted regardless of realities and unknowns in the field.  Solar is a long-term investment and we believe system design is key for realizing the best returns.

System production is only one component of our design process.  Our team of in-house engineers and solar experts will complete all aspects of the solar design including structural analysis.  Any requirement a building department may have for installing a solar electric system is included in our service and already addressed in our plan sets.  We have worked hard to perfect this step and several Building Departments have even used our plans as examples for other companies.

Commercial Plan SetCommercial Plan Set

Solar Installation

Allterra Solar prides itself in efficiently processing permits and building solar systems.  When it comes to installation, no on is more efficient. Our engineers and builders are in sync and work together daily to ensure the build process is as efficient as possible.  We have bridged the gap between planners and builders to build the swiftest installation possible.  If we built our systems any faster we would be cutting corners.

Solar Project Management

Design and installation means nothing if we do not keep our clients informed with status updates and schedules.  We will plan our approach around your business operation to minimize disruption.  To do this, a Project Manager is assigned to every Allterra Solar project to ensure it goes smoothly. From coordinating with onsite personnel to standing final building department inspection; our Project Manager will handle all aspects of the job and keep you informed should it impact your business.  We work with businesses all the time and our goal is to make sure your project is completed efficiently with no business disruption or delays.