Making the Switch to Silicon Valley Clean Energy

7 years ago

What is Silicon Valley Power? Twelve communities in Santa Clara County have formed a new community-owned agency to provide electricity…

Building Resilience: Allterra Solar & Habitat for Humanity

7 years ago

Habitat for Humanity builds affordable housing for low-income families, providing the families with a 30-year, 0% interest mortgage. Habitat for Humanity…

Sungevity Enters Chapter 11

7 years ago

Sungevity, a residential solar company based out of Oakland, declared bankruptcy after making $850 million over nine years of business.…

[Video] Commercial Solar Install – Carmel By The Sea

7 years ago

Allterra Solar completed a 100KW commercial installation in Carmel, CA. Allterra specializes in residential and commercial projects under 250KW which…

Zero Net Energy Cities, Coming to a Town Near You

8 years ago

In the city of Lancaster, California, Mayor Rex Parris is issuing a “Zero Net Energy Home Ordinance” for all new…

PG&E Raised Rates… Again

8 years ago

San Francisco, CA - PG&E raised its electricity rates for the second time in as many months when the utility's…

Solar Employment Jumped 25% in 2016

8 years ago

Drive down almost any neighborhood and you'll see solar on one of the roofs. Since the creation of the Solar…

2016 Economic Impact Report

8 years ago

It is easy to forget the importance of hiring locally owned and operated companies. As many people gravitate to big…

California Supports Solar (NEM 2.0 update)

8 years ago

CA Has Got Solar’s Back As the leading solar market in the United States, California continues to ensure that homeowners get…