UCSC Arboretum
A Partner of Allterra Solar
Green Week 2016
Santa Cruz Warriors & UC Santa Cruz Arboretum Game & Jersey Night Thursday, March 24, at 7:00 p.m.
On March 24 at 7:00 pm the Santa Cruz Warriors play the Idaho Stampede in custom jerseys, generously presented by locally owned Allterra Solar, to support the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum. Attendees are invited to bid on jerseys during the game at a silent auction set up in the Kaiser Permanente Arena lobby. Winners will be announced at the end of the game and invited to join the players who will autograph the game jersey and pose a picture. Proceeds from the Jersey Auction will benefit the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum. Tickets: $25 each. $10 from every ticket will be donated to the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum. Tickets can be purchased via phone at 831-502-2998, at the Arboretum Offices, Norrie’s Gift & Garden Shop and at Hummingbird Days (March 5&6). Credit cards and checks accepted. Please make checks payable to: UC Regents.
UCSC Arboretum Partnership
The UC Santa Cruz Arboretum and Allterra Solar are working together to promote the environmental and financial benefits of switching to solar energy while increasing awareness about the Arboretum. For a limited time only, Allterra Solar will fund a family membership (value $65) for any eligible person requesting a free solar consultation with the company. The Partnership is aimed at making home and business owners aware that the financial benefits of installing solar are likely to decrease in 2016, hence the importance of acting now.
How the Arboretum Benefits
Allterra Solar will give every eligible person (you must own house) a gift family membership (worth $65) to anyone, who signs up with the promo code of “ARBOR”, for a free inspection and quote by the end of this calendar year. If someone is already a member, they can re-gift the Arboretum membership. Visit allterrasolar.com/request-a-quote and enter the promo code of “ARBOR”. Additionally, for everyone who goes solar, Allterra will donate $500 to the Arboretum.

About the UCSC Arboretum
The UC Santa Cruz Arboretum is a research and teaching facility committed to plant conservation and serves both the campus and the public. Its rich and diverse collection, containing representatives of more than 300 plant families, provides beginning students with a broad survey of the plant kingdom. Facilities for growing plants offer students and research faculty opportunities to experiment with living plants. Arboretum events educate and engage the public about plant diversity and conservation. Of service to the public and the nursery industry are the Arboretum’s activities in importing, selecting, and breeding choice ornamental plants, especially those that are drought tolerant and pest resistant.