The Process

More and more businesses are going solar everyday to reduce operating costs. Companies large and small are investing in solar electricity to improve their businesses’ financials. If Walmart, Costco, and even the Dow Jones & Company have gone solar; it may be time for your business to do the same. We offer a free process to help businesses evaluate their energy options.


Solar Feasibility Study

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  • Step 1: Business Electrical Usage Analysis and Modeling

    Our solar experts analyze your PG&E billing data to identify trends in how electricity is consumed by your organization and determine when it is the most expensive to purchase electricity from PG&E.  Our usage analysis is aimed at pinning down when and how you use electricity so we can design a system specifically for your operation and anticipated usage moving forward.  Electricity rates are on the rise and PG&E has already raised rates in 2014.  Understanding how electricity rates will increase and impact your business is key and solar may have a dramatic affect on your bottom line.

  • Step 2Solar Electricity Production Modeling

    Based on your electricity use patterns, we develop a conceptual design based on your property information and model energy production over time.  Solar systems are predictable and solar power production can be modeled accurately.  Accurate modeling has led to financing companies funding solar projects all over the world.  Financing companies now consider solar bankable; in other words, safe to invest in since long-term benefit can be estimated accurately with solar production modeling.

  • Step 3: Calculate Net Investment

    Based on our design, cost of construction, tax incentives, and available solar financing programs; we crunch the numbers to determine your net investment.  Our net investment estimates can factor in different financing programs clients may be interested in using.  If you need help with financing we have partnered with banks, solar financing companies, and local communities to help businesses access the best financing options available.

  • Step 4Analyze Return on Investment

    Based on your net investment, future energy costs, and modeled solar energy production, we determine your return on investment (ROI). Understanding how solar saves your business money and is key to understanding if solar is right for your business.



Allterra Solar is here to help, call or email us.  If you are interested in solar and want to determine the cost and benefit for your business request a FREE solar site assessment.  Our experts will walk you through all of this and help you make the right decision. We are here to help, call us at (831) 425-2608 or request a quote.